LM201 Single Operational Amplifier IC pinout and Examples

LM201 is a general-purpose amplifier that can be used as an advanced alternative of LM741 OP-AMP with an extensive overload protection on the input and the output. It is available in the market as plastic package N DIP 8 and plastic micro package DSO 8. The best advantage it has over internally compensated amplifiers is that the compensation is adjusted in accordance with a particular application. The corresponding family members of LM201 are LM101 and LM301 which differ each other in certain specifications. The slew rate of 10V/µs and bandwidths of 3.5MHz can be obtained with much ease.

LM201 Pinout details

LM201 comes as 8 PIN IC with basic pins for applying inverting and non-inverting inputs and for obtaining the output. DC supply voltage Vcc can vary from ±5 to ±22 Volts.

LM201 Pinout

1 – ( Balancing Compensation 1)This pin is for compensation
2 – ( Inverting Input)This pin for applying the inverting input voltage
3 – (Non-Inverting Input)This pin is for applying a non-inverting input voltage
4 – (-Vcc)This pin is for applying negative DC supply
5 – (Balance)This pin is for balancing
6 – (Output)This pin is for obtaining an output voltage
7 – (+Vcc)This pin is for applying positive DC supply
8 – (Compensation 2)This pin is for compensation

LM201 pin configuration single channel IC

LM201 Features

  • Input offset voltage : 0.7mV
  • Input bias current: 25nA
  • Input offset current: 1.5nA
  • Slew rate as inverting amplifier: 10V/µs
  • Supply voltage rejection ratio: 96dB
  • Large signal voltage gain: 100 V/mV
  • Supply no load current: 1.8mA
  • Common mode rejection ratio: 96dB
  • Output short circuit current: 30mA
  • Maximum output voltage swing: 14V
  • Input impedance: 4MΩ

You may want to download a datasheet of LM201 to read further on the electrical specifications of a single-channel op-amp.

LM201 DataSheet

Where and How to Use LM201

LM201 IC is specially designed to protect when overloaded on input and output. It bypasses the struggle of oscillations and compensations by a simply 30pF capacitor. Higher bandwidth makes it possible to use it as a versatile amplification device. While using LM201 input signal is either applied at inverting or non-inverting input terminals i.e. pin no. 2 or 3. DC supply voltage ranging from 5-22V is applied on pin no. 4 & 7 in such a way that the negative potential of the battery is connected to pin 4 while positive to pin 7. The output voltage is obtained at pin 6. Pin 1, 5 and 8 are used for balancing and compensations. Specific configurations are available to do standard compensation and offset balancing.

LM201 Example 1

One such configuration is shown as:

LM201 Example 1

More Example Ideas

LM201 can be used for the construction of:

  • fast summing amplifier
  • fast voltage follower
  • bilateral current source
  • fast AC/DC converter
  • instrumentation amplifier
  • voltage comparator for driving RTL logic or high current driver
  • low frequency square wave generator
  • voltage comparator for driving DTL or TTL Integrated circuits
  • isolating large capacitive load
  • sine wave oscillator
  • fast half wave rectifier

precision amplification using LM201

One of the common use of OP-AMP is precision amplification or instrumentation amplification. The cascaded form using two LM 201 Op AMPs is shown below where R1=R4 and R2=R3 with Av = 1+ (R1/R2).

Op amp Example 2 amplification

You can check these practical guides where we used operational amplifier for AC voltage and AC current measurement.

LM201 Applications

The real-life applications of LM201 are:

  • on our mobile phones for AD conversion
  • In Audio amplifiers
  • Video signal conditioning units
  • Sensor Data Accusation
  • weighing scale (electronic)
  • digital to analog converters in Phone
  • Temperature control in various device
  • error amplifiers
  • communication circuits
  • Receivers
  • Modulators
  • Synthesizers

2D Model Diagram

We always need a 2D model of an integrated circuit while designing a printed circuit board.  This figure represents the 2D model dimension for the DIP package. You can consult the datasheet for 2D model of other packages.

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