Advanced Informative Blind Stick Using GPS and GSM Module

Introduction to Advanced Informative Blind Stick Using GPS and GSM Module: Advanced informative blind stick using GPS(Global Positioning System) and GSM(Global system for mobile) module is a such a type of smart stick that can be used any blind person for escaping the serious consequences. It is light weight and friendly to use for every blind person. Human life is very difficult without naturel eyes, means it is an excellent blessed of God. So for making the blind person life easy, here we have designed a stick that is called an advanced informative blind stick using GPS and GSM module. It is designed with the help of single phase ac transform, bridge rectifier, voltage regulator, GSM ,GPS module, soil moisture sensor, LCD display, Bluetooth device and microcontroller PIC18F452 which belongs to pic family.

By using this advanced informative blind stick using GPS and GSM module the user can easily know, any type of obstacle such wall or water front of his body as well as it also tells the exact location and distance of that obstacle or object. It also works in an emergency condition, for example the fire or water pound is in front of blind person then this blind stick sends the intimation message with exact distance and location to care taker mobile phone with the help of Bluetooth device. It is less costly, more reliable, more compact and friendlier to use. The block diagram of this advanced informative blind stick using GPS and GSM module with all their essential components is shown in figure 1

Block Diagram of Advanced Informative Blind Stick Using GPS and GSM Module

 Here is the block diagram of advanced informative blind stick using GPS and GSM module with all their essential components,Blink stick using pic microcontroller

Figure 1 Block Diagram of Advanced Informative Blind Stick Using GPS and GSM Module

Working Principle of Advanced Informative Blind Stick Using GPS and GSM Module

 This advanced informative blind stick using GPS and GSM module works on the principle of sensors working which gives the drawbacks or information to microcontroller then microcontroller sends the intimation message to care taker mobile phone or alerts the blind person what he has in front of him. Microcontroller is the main intelligent controller of this advanced informative blind stick and is programmed in c language with the help of mikro/c software. It is interfaced with GSM ,GPS module, LCD display, Ultra sonic sensor, and soil moisture sensor. Here for the demonstration purposes we turn on this blind stick with single phase ac supply, but we can also turn on this with dc supply. When we turn on this with single phase ac supply then transformer steps down the 220V ac into 6 or 9V ac. Then these ac voltages are converted into dc through bridge rectifier then LCD display, Microcontroller and GPS module are powered on with this dc voltages.

When check this blind stick in normal condition then any object or obstacle is placed in front of ultrasonic sensor then it gives the logic high signal to microcontroller, which also received the longitude and latitude of that particular object or obstacle through GPS module. After that, microcontroller gives the logic high signal to buzzer which is turned on as well as it also displays the distance of that object on LCD display. When buzzer is turned on then blind person easily knows something is in front of him. Similarly, during any critical condition the microcontroller gives the logic high signal to GSM module as well as with the buzzer turned on. Because ,GSM module is interfaced with Bluetooth device therefore the care taker received the intimation message with location at their mobile phone.

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