Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System: This density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system is very sustainable system for controlling the traffic smoothly. In this modern world, the increasing demand of vehicles have creating the problem to control these vehicles in a smooth way. For this purposes the traditional traffic signals do not have the facility of remotely override. In these signals time is changed automatically in peak hours by checking the density of traffic at traffic junction points. Sometimes there is need to cross some vehicles on priority basis such as hospital ambulance, fire engines or protocol vehicles etc. In these conditions the traditional traffic signals can’t turn on or off on urgent basis caused some serious consequences such as accident or someone death is occurred. For escaping from these serious consequences, we have developed a system that is called a density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system. This system is designed with the help of pic microcontroller 18F 452, Bluetooth device, android application device, transformer and bridge rectifier. This density based auto traffic signal control system is more sufficient and reliable as compared to the traditional signal control system and this could be controlled automatically by android based remote override system.

Block Diagram of the Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

Here is the block diagram of this system with all the essential components,Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

Figure 1The Block Diagram of theDensity Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

The Components List with Detail of The Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

Transformer:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system the transformer is used for supplying the power of this system. Through this transformer, the 220V ac is step downed into 12V ac. This transformer consists of two windings and work on the principle of mutual induction.

Bridge Rectifier:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system the bridge rectifier is used for converting the ac voltages into dc voltages for supplying the power to the system components. It is made with four diodes.

Blocking Diode:In this system, the blocking diode is used for blocking the reverse polarity current.

Voltage Regulator:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system, the voltage regulator is used for regulating the 12V dc into 5V dc and is connected at the output of bridge rectifier.

Android Application Device:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system, the android application device is used for remotely override this system. It is android software based device and is operated through android mobile phone.

Bluetooth Device:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system the Bluetooth device is used for giving the on or off signal to microcontroller. It is powered up with 5V dc and is interfaced with microcontroller and android application device.

Microcontroller Pic 18F452:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system, the microcontroller is used for the intelligent of control of this system through this the system is remotely override at any time for anywhere. It is 40 pin microcontroller and power is powered up with 5V dc. It is programmed with by using c language with the help of mickro c software and is interfaced with Bluetooth device and traffic signal.

Traffic Signal:In density based auto traffic signal control with android based remote override system, the traffic signal is used for giving the stop or drive intimation to the vehicles drivers. Its consists of three led lamps Red, Yellow and Green. Red is used for stopped intimation, Green is used for drive intimation and Yellow is used for ready to drive intimation. Different types of traffic signal are used on different places such as somewhere portable signals are used for a temporary time and somewhere these are fixed permanently.

Working of the Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

The working this Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System is very simple. we would be check this system by connecting three leds on each junction and each junction also have the IR sensors for sensing the density of vehicles. These IR sensors are basically, the IR transmitter and IR receiver. Here we have divided the density of vehicles in three zones such as low density zone, medium density zone and high density zone. In this system, the density of vehicles is checked by IR sensors means when any vehicle pass through the IR sensor then it gives the signal to the microcontroller then the microcontroller count the vehicle and check the density of vehicle accordingly to the mentioned density zone. After checking the density zone the microcontroller sets the on/off time of the traffic signal automatically. This system is also checked by the android based mobile phone for remotely override the whole system. Suppose when the traffic signal is operating in normal condition and some emergency condition is occurred such hospital amblance or fire engine etc. we want to pass this on priority bases then this could be override by pressing the override button from mobile phone. Then this system receives the signal from mobile phone through Bluetooth device and Bluetooth device gives the signal to the microcontroller then the microcontroller override this system on priority basis means in this condition it would be done Red all the other side’s signal except the emergency vehicle’s side it would in green condition.

Advantages and Applications of Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System

  1. This Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System could be used at any traffic junction point for controlling the traffic automatically through mobile phone.
  2. This system could be easily installed at any portable or permanent signal junction point.
  3. By using this system, the traffic vehicles could be easily controlled in normal and emergency condition.
  4. By using this system, the men work power and time could be reduced.
  5. By using this system, the accidental chances could be reduced easily.

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