Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System with GSM

Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System: The flammable gas and fire accident prevention system is a system that could be used to warn the intimation about flammable gas leakage or fire combustion in any industrial or domestic area sat consumer mobile phone. Everyone knows, the demand of flammable gas and electricity are increasing day by day, but with this increasing demand the chances of blasting gas and short circuiting of electricity are also increasing day by day. Due to this blasting and short circuiting the heavy accidental conditions are occurred. These accidental conditions are cased to large damaged of life and property. This is happened in every country on annual basis. So, we must have to search the systems to overcome these accidental conditions.

There are so many companies, who have designed a system with the help of different controllers but their system is not so much efficient and their cost is also almost high. Here we have designed a system that is called a flammable gas and fire accident prevention system with help of pic microcontroller 18F452, gas sensor, fire sensor and GSM modem. This system senses the flammable gas leakage or fire combustion without wasting any time and sends the fire or flammable gas leakage intimation message to the consumer mobile phone. This system also has the buzzer facility during any accidental condition.

Block Diagram of Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System

Here is the block diagram of the flammable gas and fire accident prevention system with all essential components,. Figure below is the Block Diagram of the Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention SystemThe Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System

Components List  of Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System

This system has the following components list with detail.

Transformer:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the transformer is used for step down the ac voltages. Here it steps down the 220V ac into 12V ac using mutual induction principle.

Bridge Rectifier:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the bridge rectifier is used for converting the ac voltages into dc voltages and it is connected at the output of transformer.

Blocking diode:In this system, the blocking diode is used for blocking the reverse polarity current.

Voltage Regulator:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the voltage regulator is used for regulating the dc voltages. It regulates the 12V dc into 5V and is connected at the output of bridge rectifier. The LM 7805 voltage regulator has been used here.

LCD Display:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the LCD display is used for displaying the sensing condition such as temperature or flammable gas leakage condition. It is powered up with 5V dc and is interfaced with microcontroller.

Max 232:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the max 232 is used for serial communication between the microcontroller and GSM modem. It is 16 pins dual channel integrated circuit IC and have the facility of sending or receiving the signal. It is powered up with 5V dc.

GSM Modem:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the GSM modem is used for connecting this system with the mobile network system. It is wireless base modem and is used here to the send the accidental intimation message to the user mobile phone automatically.

Microcontroller Pic 18F452:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the pic microcontroller is basically the main controller of this system. This controller is programmed in c language with the help of mikro/c software. It is 40 pins microcontroller and is powered up with 5V dc supply. Here it is interfaced with LCD display, gas sensor, fire sensor and GSM modem.

Buzzer: In this system, a simple buzzer is used for giving the beep signal to the vicinity peoples during any accidental condition and is interfaced with microcontroller.

Gas Sensor: In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the gas sensor is used for sensing the leakage of flammable gas.

Fire Sensor:In this flammable gas and fire accident prevention system, the fire sensor is used for sensing the fire basically it is the temperature sensor.

Working Principle of  Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System

 This flammable gas and fire accident prevention system works on the principle of gas and fire detection procedure. In this system, the gas and fire sensors are continually sense the gas leakage and temperature or fire. When something is happened in the vicinity such as gas leakage or fire combustion then these sensors produce a certain voltage as per gas leakage or fire combustion. Then the microcontroller check the level of these voltages if these voltages are above a certain level then the microcontroller goes into alert mode and this alert mode could be seen on LCD display. In this mode, the microcontroller switch on the buzzer sound and sends the alert signal to the GSM modem. The GSM modem which is interfaced with the consumer mobile phone through the mobile network system sends the accidental alert intimation message to the consumer mobile. After receiving this alert intimation message or buzzer sound the consumer or vicinity peoples can the check present status of leakage gas or fire combustion. After that, they can easily do something for the prevention of this accidental condition.

Applications and Advantages of Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System

  1. This flammable gas and fire accident prevention system could be used in flammable gas producing industries for the prevention of flammable gas leakage.
  2. This prevention system could be used in petrol pumps and CNG gas station for sending alert intimation message during any accidental condition.
  3. This prevention system could be used in educational institutional buildings, hoping malls and residential plazas for sending alert intimation message during any accidental condition.
  4. By using this system, the consumer or vicinity people could be warning through mobile phone message anytime and anywhere before any accidental condition.
  5. This system is more compact, reliable and less expensive as compared the other system.

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