MIPS System Calls, Procedure Calls and Using the Stack

SYSTEM CALLS in MIPS: A system call is used to communicate with the system for reading from the keyboard or writing to the screen. A system call requires some parameters to be passed in a particular register and a request/function number (or service code) to be passed in register $v0.

Steps for using System Calls

  1. Load the service code into register $v0. The codes (the values to be loaded in $v0) and their respective functions are given in the table below.
  2. Load the arguments (if any) into registers such as $a0, $a1 according to the table.
  3. Use the “syscall” instruction.
  4. The results are returned in registers such as $v0 according to the table.
  5. All programs should terminate with $v0 = 10 and a “syscall” instruction to exit. This helps in running very long programs (which are run using the GO option in the simulation menu in PCSPIM).
MIPS system calls table

MIPS System Calls Examples

In this section, we will learn to use MIPS system calls by using different examples.

Exercise 1: Printing your Name using SYSCALL

This MIPS assembly code prints the message “my name is bilal malik” (or any other name) to the output screen using system calls.

Use the following code to print your name on an output screen.


mesg1:    .asciiz “my name is bilal malik“ # fill the blank with your name


.globl main


     li   $v0, 4        # Load immediate $v0 with value 4

     la   $a0, mesg1    # $a0 points to base address of string array mesg1


     li   $v0, 10       # prepare to exit

     syscall           # Exit to OS

Run this program by pressing GO (F5). Check the execution of your program and see how system calls are used to get input from the user and display anything on the PCSPIM console. What do you see in the CONSOLE window? I see my name because I have printed “My name is Bilal Malik.”

In the .data section, a null-terminated string (an ASCII message) is defined with the message you want to display. You should replace "bilal malik" with your name inside the double quotes.

In the .text section, the main label is defined as the entry point for the program.

  1. li $v0, 4: This instruction loads the value 4 into register $v0, indicating that we are about to perform a system call to print a string.
  2. la $a0, mesg1: This instruction loads the base address of the string mesg1 into register $a0. $a0 is the argument register that is used to pass the address of the string to be printed to the system call.
  3. syscall: This instruction executes the system call, which will print the string pointed to by $a0 (in this case, your name) to the output screen.
  4. li $v0, 10: This instruction loads the value 10 into register $v0, indicating that we are about to perform a system call to exit the program.
  5. syscall: This instruction executes the system call to terminate the program and return control to the operating system.

When you run this code, it will display the message “my name is [your name]” on the output screen and then exit the program.

Exercise 2: Printing an Integer using SYSCALL


mesg2: .word 15100900


.globl main


li $v0, 1     #Place 1 in $v0 in order to print an integer

la $t0, mesg2 #Put address of the memory location in $t0

lw $a0, 0($t0) #Load the integer from memory into $a0

syscall       #syscall to print the integer

li $v0, 10    #Prepare to exit by placing 10 in $v0

syscall       #Exit to OS
  • In the .data section: It declares a data section named mesg2.
  • In this data section, it stores a single word (4 bytes) with the value 15100900.

Inside the main function:

  • li $v0, 1: This instruction loads the value 1 into register $v0, indicating that we are going to use system call code 1, which is used to print an integer.
  • la $t0, mesg2: This instruction loads the address of the memory location mesg2 into register $t0.
  • lw $a0, 0($t0): This instruction loads a 4-byte word (integer) from the memory location pointed to by $t0 (which is the address of mesg2) into register $a0.
  • syscall: This syscall instruction prints the integer stored in $a0 to the console.
  • li $v0, 10: This instruction loads the value 10 into $v0, which is the system call code for program exit.
  • syscall: This syscall instruction exits the program and returns control to the operating system.

In summary, the code loads the integer 15100900 from memory and prints it to the console before exiting the program.

Exercise 3: Sum of Integers Using System Calls Using PCSpim

Write a code that asks the user to enter a positive integer N and returns the Sum of all integers less than or equal to N. The sample code is given on the next page.  Note that, now you can run for N = 100, N= 200, N= 1000 by pressing GO, watching the console window, entering the value and hitting the Enter key.  What is the answer in each case?

For N=100, Sum: 5050, For N=200, Sum: 20100, For N=1000, Sum: 500500,

Sample Code

(Taken from the book: “MIPS Assembly Language Programming” by Robert L. Britton)

# Cross References:
# v0: N, t0: Sum

Prompt:     .asciiz "\n  Please Input a value for N = (-1 to end): "
Result:     .asciiz "\n The sum of the integers from 1 to N is: "
Bye:        .asciiz "\n  **** Good bye – Have a good day****"

.globl main

    # Print the prompt message
    li      $v0, 4               # System call code for print string
    la      $a0, Prompt          # Load address of string Prompt into $a0
    syscall                      # Print the prompt message

    # Read the value of N
    li      $v0, 5               # System call code for Read Integer
    syscall                      # Read the value of N into $v0

    # Branch to end if N <= 0
    ble     $v0, $zero, End

    # Initialize register $t0 to 0
    li      $t0, 0

    # Sum of integers in register $t0
    add     $t0, $t0, $v0

    # Summing integers in reverse order
    addi    $v0, $v0, -1

    # Branch to loop if $v0 is not equal to 0
    bne     $v0, $zero, Loop

    # Print the result message
    li      $v0, 4               # System call code for Print String
    la      $a0, Result          # Load address of string Result into $a0
    syscall                      # Print the string

    # Print the sum of integers
    li      $v0, 1               # System call code for Print Integer
    move    $a0, $t0             # Move value to be printed to $a0
    syscall                      # Print the sum of integers

    # Go for the next number
    j       main

    # Print the "Goodbye" message
    li      $v0, 4               # System call code for Print String
    la      $a0, Bye             # Load address of string Bye into $a0
    syscall                      # Print the string

    # Exit the program
    li      $v0, 10              # System call code for exit
    syscall                      # Terminate the program and return control

How this Code Work?

This MIPS assembly code is a program that calculates and prints the sum of integers from 1 to a user-provided value N.

  1. Data Initialization: In the .data section, the code initializes three null-terminated strings for messages: Prompt (asking the user to input N), Result (for displaying the sum), and Bye (a farewell message).
  2. Main Function: The main function is the entry point of the program and contains the main logic.
  3. User Input and Calculation:
    • The code starts by printing the prompt message, asking the user to input a value for N using system call code 4 (li $v0, 4) and then reading the input integer using system call code 5 (li $v0, 5).
    • It checks if the value of N is less than or equal to zero. If it is, the program branches to the End label, printing the “Goodbye” message and exiting.
    • If N is greater than zero, the code initializes a register $t0 to 0 and enters a loop labeled Loop. Inside the loop, it calculates the sum of integers from 1 to N and stores it in $t0. The code does this by repeatedly adding the current value of N to $t0 and decrementing N in each iteration. The loop continues until N becomes zero.
  4. Printing the Result:
    • After the loop, the code prints the result message “The sum of the integers from 1 to N is:” using system call code 4.
    • It then prints the actual sum, which is stored in $t0, using system call code 1 (li $v0, 1) and the $a0 register.
  5. Continuation and Program Termination:
    • The program then jumps back to the main label to process another value of N if the user desires to continue.
    • When the user decides to exit (inputs a non-positive value), the program prints the “Goodbye” message and terminates with system call code 10 (li $v0, 10) to return control to the operating system.

Overall, this MIPS assembly program provides a simple interactive way to calculate and display the sum of integers from 1 to a user-provided value, and it gracefully exits upon user input.

MIPS Procedure Calls

MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) procedure calls refer to the mechanism by which the MIPS architecture manages the execution of functions or procedures in a program. In MIPS assembly language, procedures are typically implemented using a combination of function calls, parameter passing, and return values. Here are some key aspects of MIPS procedure calls:

Procedure Call Convention

MIPS follows a specific procedure call convention that defines how parameters, return values, and registers are used during function calls.

Registers $a0 to $a3 (also known as argument registers) are used to pass up to four function arguments.

The return value of a function is typically stored in register $v0.

Registers $s0 to $s7 (saved registers) should be preserved across function calls, and $s0 is often used as a frame pointer to access local variables.

Stack Usage

The stack is used to store the return address (the address to jump back to after the function call), saved registers, and local variables.

The stack pointer register $sp points to the top of the stack.

To reserve space on the stack for local variables, the $sp register is decremented (to allocate space) and incremented (to deallocate space) accordingly.

Function Call Flow

To call a function, the caller typically places function arguments in $a0 to $a3 and then uses a jal (jump and link) instruction to transfer control to the function.

The jal instruction stores the return address in $ra (return address register) and jumps to the function’s entry point.

Inside the function, $ra is often preserved before making any function calls, and local variables are typically accessed using the stack pointer $sp.

Function Return

When a function is ready to return, it uses the jr (jump register) instruction to jump back to the address stored in $ra, effectively returning control to the caller.

The function may place its return value in $v0 before returning.

Nested Function Calls

MIPS supports nested function calls, where one function can call another.

The return address for each nested call is saved on the stack, allowing the program to return to the correct caller when a function completes.

MIPS procedure calls provide a structured way to organize code, facilitate code reuse, and manage program flow when dealing with functions or procedures in assembly language programs. The adherence to conventions ensures that function calls and returns work reliably and predictably across different parts of a program.

Example Code

Here’s an example of MIPS assembly code that demonstrates a simple procedure call:

    message: .asciiz "Hello from the main function!\n"
    result: .asciiz "The result is: "

.globl main

# Main function
    # Print a message from the main function
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, message

    # Call the add_numbers function
    li $a0, 5   # Argument 1
    li $a1, 7   # Argument 2
    jal add_numbers

    # Print the result
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, result

    # Print the return value stored in $v0
    li $v0, 1
    move $a0, $v0

    # Exit the program
    li $v0, 10

# Add two numbers and return the result
    # Save return address
    sw $ra, 0($sp)
    addiu $sp, $sp, -4

    # Perform addition
    add $v0, $a0, $a1

    # Restore return address and return
    lw $ra, 4($sp)
    addiu $sp, $sp, 4
    jr $ra

MIPS Stack

Here’s an example of MIPS assembly code that demonstrates how the stack is used to manage function calls and local variables:

    message: .asciiz "Stack Example\n"
    result: .asciiz "The result is: "

.globl main

# Main function
    # Print a message from the main function
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, message

    # Call the calculate_sum function
    li $a0, 5   # Argument 1: N
    jal calculate_sum

    # Print the result
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, result

    # Print the return value stored in $v0
    li $v0, 1
    move $a0, $v0

    # Exit the program
    li $v0, 10

# Calculate the sum of integers from 1 to N
# Input: $a0 (N), Output: $v0 (Sum)
    # Save return address
    sw $ra, 0($sp)
    addiu $sp, $sp, -4

    # Initialize sum to 0
    li $v0, 0

    # Loop to calculate the sum
        add $v0, $v0, $a0   # Add N to the sum
        addi $a0, $a0, -1   # Decrement N
        bnez $a0, loop      # Continue looping if N is not zero

    # Restore return address and return
    lw $ra, 4($sp)
    addiu $sp, $sp, 4
    jr $ra

In this MIPS assembly code:

  1. The main function prints a message and then calls the calculate_sum function with N = 5.
  2. The calculate_sum function calculates the sum of integers from 1 to N using a loop. It saves and restores the return address on the stack and uses $v0 to store the sum result.
  3. After returning from calculate_sum, the main function prints the result and exits the program.

This example demonstrates how the stack is used to manage the return address during function calls and how local variables (in this case, the sum) are stored and manipulated within a function.

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