Auto intensity control of street lights using pic microcontroller, In this article you will learn how auto intensity control system of street lights works? How to control auto intensity of street lights? What is the purpose of auto intensity control of street lights? How you can design this project very easily using simple electronic components and pic16f877a microcontroller. Let’s start with basic introduction of auto intensity control of street lights.
Auto intensity control of street lights :
Basic purpose of this project is to make street lights intelligent so that it can turn it on and off itself. Another feature of this project is that street lights intensity vary according to intensity of light and number of vehicles on road. Followings are the main features of this project :
- Street lights turns itself on automatically during night or darkness. They turn themself off automatically during day time and during visible intensity of light.
- Street lights controls its intensity automatically according to intensity of light. For example in evening intensity of light start decreasing at the same time street lights start increasing its intensity. When there is no intensity of light in after evening, street lights turn themself on with full intensity till midnight at 12:00 am.
- There is another feature included in this project that is vehicle detection. Infrared sensor circuit is used to detect vehicles on road. After 12:00am street lights start decreasing their intensity. At 1:00am street lights turn off automatically. After 1:00 am function of vehicle detection starts. If there is any vehicle on road after 1:00am, street lights turns on for 2 minutes. After that they turn off automatically. In other words, After 1:00am street lights turn on only if there is any vehicle on road. Otherwise they remain off. This process remains till morning. But after having visible intensity of light during moring street lights turn off automatically.
Advantages of auto intensity control of street lights :
As it name suggest suggests it makes use of street lights very easy. Some of the main advantages of them are given below:
- No need to control street lights manually.
- Electrical power saving.
- Increases life time of street lights.
- intelligent street lights.
- vehicle detection.
Circuit diagram description :
Followings are the main components of auto intensity control of street lights. I have explained all these components and their functions briefly.
DS1307 real time clcok:
DS1307 real time clock is use to keep information of time during day and night. Time is used to control intensity of light and its turn on and turn off ability after 12:00 am. So real time clock ds1307 is interfaced with pic microcontroler to keep information of real time.
Light dependent resistor ( LDR) :
Light dependent resistor is a kind of light sensor which is used to measure intensity of light. LDR is interfaced with pic16f877a microcontroller to measure intensity of light. This measured intensity of light is used to control street lights and their intensity.
Infrared sensor :
Infrared sensor is a combination of infrared transmitter and receiver. This is used for detection of vehicles after 1:00 am. If there is any vehicle on road after 1:00am, street lights turns on automatically for 2 minutes otherwise remain off. I have already explained the main function of infrared sensor circuit for this project.
Light crystal display :
LCD ( liquid crystal display ) is used to display time and status of street lights. If street lights are on, LCD will display street lights are on, otherwise it display street lights are off.
Circuit diagram of auto intensity control of street lights:
complete circuit diagram of auto intensity control of street lights is given below :

I have already explained this circuit diagram above, But if you still have any issue about it, you can wrie in comments.
List of components for auto intensity control of street lights:
Category,Reference,Value,Order Code Resistors,"R1",10K, Resistors,"R2",10K, Resistors,"R3",10K, Resistors,"R7",10k, Resistors,"R18",10k, Resistors,"R19",10k, Resistors,"R4",1k, Resistors,"R5",1k, Resistors,"R8",1k, Resistors,"R17",1k, Resistors,"R6",4K, Resistors,"R10",470R, Resistors,"R15",470R, Resistors,"R16",470R, Capacitors,"C1",22pF,Digikey 478-1018-6-ND Capacitors,"C2",22pF,Digikey 478-1018-6-ND Integrated Circuits,"U1",PIC16F877A, Integrated Circuits,"U10",DS1307, Transistors,"Q2",IRF520, Transistors,"Q3",BC548, Diodes,"D1",1N4007, Diodes,"D6",LED, Diodes,"D7",LED, Diodes,"D8",LED, Diodes,"D9",LED, Diodes,"D10",LED, Diodes,"D11",LED, Miscellaneous,"B2",3V, Miscellaneous,"LCD2",LM016L, Miscellaneous,"LDR1",TORCH_LDR, Miscellaneous,"RV1",10K,Digikey 3005P-101-ND Miscellaneous,"X1",31.2548KHz, Miscellaneous,"X2",8MHz,
Code for auto intensity control of street lights:
Code for this project is written in Mikro C for pic. Complete C code for auto intensity control of street lights is given below :
[sociallocker]// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB7_bit;
sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB6_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB7_bit;
// End LCD module connections
unsigned short read_ds1307(unsigned short address)
unsigned short r_data;
I2C1_Wr(0xD0); //address 0x68 followed by direction bit (0 for write, 1 for read) 0x68 followed by 0 –> 0xD0
I2C1_Wr(0xD1); //0x68 followed by 1 –> 0xD1
void write_ds1307(unsigned short address,unsigned short w_data)
I2C1_Start(); // issue I2C start signal
//address 0x68 followed by direction bit (0 for write, 1 for read) 0x68 followed by 0 –> 0xD0
I2C1_Wr(0xD0); // send byte via I2C (device address + W)
I2C1_Wr(address); // send byte (address of DS1307 location)
I2C1_Wr(w_data); // send data (data to be written)
I2C1_Stop(); // issue I2C stop signal
unsigned char BCD2UpperCh(unsigned char bcd)
return ((bcd >> 4) + ‘0’);
unsigned char BCD2LowerCh(unsigned char bcd)
return ((bcd & 0x0F) + ‘0’);
int Binary2BCD(int a)
int t1, t2;
t1 = a%10;
t1 = t1 & 0x0F;
a = a/10;
t2 = a%10;
t2 = 0x0F & t2;
t2 = t2 << 4;
t2 = 0xF0 & t2;
t1 = t1 | t2;
return t1;
int BCD2Binary(int a)
int r,t;
t = a & 0x0F;
r = t;
a = 0xF0 & a;
t = a >> 4;
t = 0x0F & t;
r = t*10 + r;
return r;
int second;
int minute;
int hour;
int hr;
int ap;
int light;
int pwm;
int ir;
int adc_value = 0;
unsigned short set_count = 0;
short set;
char time[] = “00:00:00 PM”;
void main()
I2C1_Init(100000); //DS1307 I2C is running at 100KHz
TRISD = 0x07;
PORTD = 0x00;
TRISE.F0 = 1;
TRISC.F2 = 0; // designate PORTC pins as output
PORTC.F2 = 0; // set PORTC to 0
PWM1_Start(); // start PWM1 // Initialize LCD
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display
Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); // Cursor off
set = 0;
if(PORTD.F0 == 0)
if(PORTD.F0 == 0)
if(set_count >= 4)
set_count = 0;
if(PORTD.F1 == 0)
if(PORTD.F1 == 0)
set = 1;
if(PORTD.F2 == 0)
if(PORTA.F2 == 0)
set = -1;
if(set_count && set)
case 1:
hour = BCD2Binary(hour);
hour = hour + set;
hour = Binary2BCD(hour);
if((hour & 0x1F) >= 0x13)
hour = hour & 0b11100001;
hour = hour ^ 0x20;
else if((hour & 0x1F) <= 0x00)
hour = hour | 0b00010010;
hour = hour ^ 0x20;
write_ds1307(2, hour); //write hour
case 2:
minute = BCD2Binary(minute);
minute = minute + set;
if(minute >= 60)
minute = 0;
if(minute < 0)
minute = 59;
minute = Binary2BCD(minute);
write_ds1307(1, minute); //write min
case 3:
write_ds1307(0,0×00); //Reset second to 0 sec. and start Oscillator
second = read_ds1307(0);
minute = read_ds1307(1);
hour = read_ds1307(2);
hr = hour & 0b00011111;
ap = hour & 0b00100000;
time[0] = BCD2UpperCh(hr);
time[1] = BCD2LowerCh(hr);
time[3] = BCD2UpperCh(minute);
time[4] = BCD2LowerCh(minute);
time[6] = BCD2UpperCh(second);
time[7] = BCD2LowerCh(second);
time[9] = ‘P’;
time[10] = ‘M’;
time[9] = ‘A’;
time[10] = ‘M’;
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Note: This code is not complete. you can purchase complete code from me in 50$. But I recommend you to write your own code but if you can’t write, you can purchase from me. This all effort is from my side. Kindly share this article with your friends and social media. That’s what you can do for me in retrun. Thanks 🙂
Circuit diagram is not clear. kindly email me clear diagram so I can view the components value.
Hi,i wach the schematics on this project and i wish to send me schematic in format DNS for proteus on my mail adress because i don’t see very clear name of component and value.Thanks
Kindly email me the circuit diagram so that I can review the value of components cleary.
everything is given in article
Kindly email me the circuit diagram so that I can review the value of components cleary.
Kindly email me the circuit diagram so that I can review the value of components cleary.
check now I have update the post with list of components
It is OK. Really thanks
hi sir, The circuit diagram is not clear to is not connected. Can u provide a video tutorial of the circuit. I need to know which part is responsible for what. Can I use 230V ac as a input voltage on this circuit. What is the use of IRF520 and BC548 ic?
how many volt are use to supply this circuit?
the cicuit diagram is not clear… cn u plz help us with it
you can purchase complete circuit in proteus and complete complied code from me. Contact me at
Can change that time set which is after 12 we can make it after 10 or 9 to save more electricity . Can we do some change in that program and do that ?
yes you can make changes in coding
can you tell about the input section. On what factors does the sensing part depends.
there is good information about this project i will try this
Kindly email me the circuit diagram so that I can review the value of components cleary.
kindly i want it in very short time can u send it as soon as possible.thnks
sorry sir, the output of this project to control the intensity, so bulb that u used in this project is that LED lamp or else?
Hi Sir..Im June from Malaysia and Im very interested with this project.But there’s some part that I need to ask..I hope that you can response to me by my email
Kindly email me the circuit diagram so that I can review it clearly.
Thank You.
The circuit diagram is not clear, there is any way to see it better?.
The circuit diagram is not clear, there is any way to see it better?.
what is U4?
nice project.. pls kindly send me the circuit diagram…
Comment Text*
when any person was present or come after 1:00 am then street light will be off or it turn on ???
Hi, I’d like to remove the IR sensor. And instead of turning off the light during 12:00am, it would start to dim until it is totally off when there’s light. Can you make me a circuit diagram and codes for it? I’ll purchase it for your effort. Hoping for a favorable response soon. Thanks
plz sir send mi complete code of this project….
hi sir, will you please send the code for Auto-Intensity control of street light using Atmega8 micocontroller.
if you are interested to purchase code and circuit diagram contact me at
Hi may i know if it is possible to replace the microcontroller with pic18f4550? thanks
The circuit diagram is not clear can you send it to me plz
Circuit diagram is not clear. kindly email me clear diagram so I can view the components value.
Hi sir..pls provide the complete operation of circuit diagram which is helpful to understand the complete project
I want to buy the code of this program plz mail me the code and circuit diagram with explanation.plz