Line follower robot using microcontroller
Line follower robot using avr microcontroller. In this tutorial you will learn how to design a line follower robot using avr microcontroller and path sensors. It follow a black line …
Line follower robot using avr microcontroller. In this tutorial you will learn how to design a line follower robot using avr microcontroller and path sensors. It follow a black line …
Automatic control of street lights is designed to turn on and off street lights automatically. This project checks the amount of light. If the light is 80 percent available, it …
Smart solar charge controller using a microcontroller is designed to charge batteries in an efficient way so that their lifetime can be increased. The pulse width modulation technique is used …
Smart under and over voltage protection system for home is designed to insure protection of home devices like fan, light lamps, television, refrigerator and all other things you need to …
Green house intelligent control system is designed to protect the plants from more cool and hot weather and an additional control system is included to save power by making fans …
Digital humidity sensor with LCD display using PIC microcontroller Digital humidity sensor with LCD display is used to measure the relative percentage of water vapors in air. HS1101 capacitive humidity …
A digital frequency meter with an LCD display can be used to measure the frequency of a square wave. With a little modification in this embedded systems project, you can …
Temperature measurement is a crucial aspect in numerous applications, spanning from weather monitoring to industrial processes. The ability to accurately and efficiently measure temperature plays a vital role in ensuring …
In this tutorial, we will learn to measure AC voltage using a pic microcontroller with two methods. One is using a potential transformer and the second one is using an …