XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

XBee based device control system using pic microcontroller is a system in which a communication system is controlled through XBee modules. This system provides data transmitting and receiving facility to the user wirelessly means without using any wire or other medium. Currently different modules or sensors are used for communication purpose such as IR and RF but these modules or sensors cannot be used for a long-distance and for bidirectional communication means transmitting or receiving the communication data. So, keeping in mind the bidirectional and long-distance things here we have designed a system for data communication purpose is called a XBee based device control system using pic microcontroller.

This system had designed with the help of pic microcontroller 18F452, XBee module, switches, LCD display, transformer, bridge rectifier and voltage regulator. This system has two parts or ends one is used for data transmitting purpose called transmitter end and second one is used for date receiving purposes that is called receiver end. Both ends have separate microcontroller and XBee modules. This system is less costly, more reliable more precise, and compact as compared to other systems. The main advantage of this system is that it provides data transmitting and receiving facility as well as for a long and a short distance. This system could be installed directly with 220V ac supply no need of any extra power supply or power adopter. The block diagrams of transmitter and receiver ends are shown in figure 1 and 2 with all their respective components.

Block Diagrams Transmitter End of XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

Here is block diagram of transmitter end of XBee based device control system using pic microcontroller with all essentials componentsTransmitter End Block Diagram of XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

 Figure 1 Transmitter End Block Diagram of XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

Working of Transmitter End XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

The transmitter end of XBee based device control system using pic microcontroller is directly connected to 220V ac supply and it is powered on then 6 push buttons or switched are used for powered on or off the respective load. When any push button or switch is pressed then it sends the logic high signal to microcontroller. Microcontroller is programmed in c language with the help of mikro/c software. Basically, the microcontroller is the main intelligent control of this system which sends the logic high signal to XBee module after some processing.  XBee is a tiny blue chip that is used for communication purpose wirelessly between two communication devices. Here in this transmitting end, it receives the logic high signal from microcontroller and sends it in wireless communication medium.LCD display is also available in this system for showing the status of connected loads

Block Diagrams Receiver End of XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic MicrocontrollerReceiver End Block Diagram of XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

Figure 2 Receiver End Block Diagram of XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

Working of Receiver End XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller

The receiver end of XBee based device control system using pic microcontroller is also directly power on from 220V ac supply and this end also has XBee module for receiving the transmitting end logic high signal. After receiving the logic high signal, the XBee module gives this signal to microcontroller then microcontroller turns on the relay driver IC ULN2803 which is directly coupled with 12V relay. For demonstration purposes 4 loads are relate to these relays. These loads could be turned on or off by turned on or off the respective switches at transmitter end. The whole system (transmitter and receiver) connected with each other wirelessly therefore no need of any extra wire or medium.


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