Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet System: The remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system is a system that could be used for the real-time data monitoring of transformer or generator through internet of things(IOT). As we know, in our power system the transformer and generator are our expensive and important equipment’s. If anyone from both is damage or trip due to any reason such as temperature, current or voltage then the whole supply would be switched offed. Then the time and money both would be waste, so the real-time monitoring of transformer and generator is mandatory for supplying the smooth supply to the consumer. Different companies and peoples are working for the real-time monitoring and protection of these expensive equipment’s but their system cost and size is so much high. Here we have designed a system that is called the remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet with the help of pic microcontroller 18F 452, temperature sensor, current sensor, voltage sensor, Wi-Fi module and analogue to digital converter. By using this system, the user or supply company can easily check the instant status of their transformer or generator at their homes through the internet WI-FI service. Pic microcontroller is used in this embedded system project project. you may also like to check pic microcontroller tutorials for beginners and experts.
Block Diagram of the Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet System
Here is the block diagram of the remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system with all essentials components. Figure below is the Block Diagram of the Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet System
Transformer:In this remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the transformer used for step down the 220V ac into 12V ac. It consists of two windings and works on the principle of mutual induction.
Bridge Rectifier:Inthis remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the bridge rectifier is used for converting the ac voltages into dc and is connected at the output of transformer.
Blocking Diode: In this remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the blocking diode is used for blocking the reverse polarity current.
Voltage Regulator: Inthis remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the voltage regulator is used for regulating the 12V dc into 5V dc. It is connected at the output of bridge rectifier, the LM 7805 voltage regulator have been using in this system.
LCD Display: In this remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the LCD display is used for displaying the monitoring data such as temperature, current and voltage etc. of the connected transformer or generator.
Microcontroller PIC 18F452:Inthis remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the microcontroller is used for the intelligent control of this system. It 40 pins microcontroller and is programmed in c language with the help of mikro/c software. It is powered up with 5V dc and is interfaced with Wi-Fi module, ADC 0808 and LCD display.
ADC 08080:Inthis remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the ADC 0808 is used for converting the analogue data into digital data for giving the logic signal to the microcontroller. It is 16 pin integrated circuit IC and is powered up with 5V dc.
Wi-Fi Module:Inthis remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the wi-fi module is used connecting this system to the wi-fi network for the remote monitoring of data of transformer or generator. It is interfaced with microcontroller for receiving the logic data.
Temperature Sensor:In this system, the temperature sensor is used for sensing the temperature of cross ponding transformer or generator. For this purpose, the LM 35 temperature sensor have been using here.
Voltage Sensor:Inthis remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system, the voltage sensor is used for sensing the voltage of cross ponding components such as transformer or generator.
Current Sensor: In the system, the current sensor is used for sensing the current of cross ponding transformer or generator. It senses the current in amps and give output in milli amps. It is interfaced with ADC 0808 for giving him analogue input.
Circuit diagram of Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet System
Working of the Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet System
This remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system worked on the principle of hardware components and programmed microcontroller. Suppose we want to monitor the data such as temperature, current or voltage of any transformer, generator, industrial or domestic load then this system is directly connected with these components or equipment’s. Then we just switch on this system directly from 220V ac. After that, the current sensor, voltage sensor and temperature sensor sense their cross-ponding data but this data is in analogue from it converted into digital form through the ADC 0808, which is interfaced with current, voltage and temperature sensors. Then this data is received by the microcontroller through the ADC 0808, then microcontroller display this data at LCD display and too send this data to the Wi-Fi module. Then the Wi-Fi module which is interfaced with wireless network and by using wireless network we can see this data at our computer or laptop through any dedicated IP (internet protocol) address. This data is displayed at dedicated website in three different charts such as current, voltage and temperature charts. Different shapes of charts could be used for displaying this data such as line type, pi type and type.
sbit LCD_RS at RB1_bit; sbit LCD_EN at RB2_bit; sbit LCD_D4 at RB3_bit; sbit LCD_D5 at RB4_bit; sbit LCD_D6 at RB5_bit; sbit LCD_D7 at RB6_bit; sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB1_bit; sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB2_bit; sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB3_bit; sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB4_bit; sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB5_bit; sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB6_bit; int voltage1 = 0; int current1 = 0; int adc_val = 0; char ch1[7]; char ch4[7]; char ch3[7]; unsigned char value[50],pos; unsigned char sec; void clearVAL() { char i; for(i=0;i<30;i++) value[i]=' '; } float findvoltage(int a) { int i; unsigned int temp=0; float maxpoint = 0; for(i=0;i<500;i++) { if(temp = ADC_Read(a),temp>maxpoint) { maxpoint = temp; } } maxpoint = ( maxpoint * 5 )/ (1023) ; maxpoint = maxpoint * 4; maxpoint = maxpoint + 1.4; maxpoint = maxpoint * 18; maxpoint = maxpoint * ( 1 / sqrt(2) ); delay_ms(20); return maxpoint; } float findcurrent(int a) { int i; unsigned int temp=0; float maxpoint = 0; for(i=0;i<500;i++) { if(temp = ADC_Read(a),temp>maxpoint) { maxpoint = temp; } } maxpoint = ( maxpoint * 5 )/ (1024) ; maxpoint = maxpoint / 2 ; maxpoint = maxpoint * ( 1 / sqrt(2) ); maxpoint = (maxpoint * 1000) / (66); delay_ms(20); return maxpoint; } void display() { intToStr(voltage1, ch1); lcd_out(1,1,"V1:"); lcd_out(1,4, Ltrim(ch1)); lcd_out(1,7,"V"); delay_ms(40); intToStr(current1, ch4); lcd_out(1,9,"I1:"); lcd_out(1,12, Ltrim(ch4)); lcd_out(1,14,"A"); delay_ms(40); intToStr(adc_val, ch3); lcd_out(2,1,"T:"); lcd_out(2,3, Ltrim(ch3)); lcd_out(2,5,"C"); delay_ms(40); } void main() { char i,x,flag; ANSELA=0XFF; ANSELB=0X00; ANSELC=0X00; TRISB=0X00; ADC_Init(); Lcd_Init(); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF); ANSELB=0X00; ANSELC=0X00; TRISB=0x00; delay_ms(1000); OSCCON.IRCF0=0; OSCCON.IRCF1=1; OSCCON.IRCF2=1; INTCON.GIE=1; INTCON.RCIE=1; INTCON.PEIE=1; UART1_Init(9600); // Initialize UART module at 9600 bps adc_init(); lcd_init(); lcd_out(3,3, "T/F health"); delay_ms(1000); clearVAL(); //AT lcd_out(3,2,"AT"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("AT\r\n"); delay_ms(1000); delay_ms(1000); clearVAL(); //ATE0 Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); lcd_out(3,1,"ATE0"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("ATE0\r\n"); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); delay_ms(1000); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); clearVAL(); //AT+CWMODE=3 lcd_out(3,1,"AT+CWMODE=1"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n"); delay_ms(1000); //delay_ms(2000); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); lcd_out(3,1,"AT+CWQAP"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("AT+CWQAP\r\n"); delay_ms(1000); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); clearVAL(); //AT+CIPMUX=1 lcd_out(3,1,"AT+CIPMUX=1"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n") ; delay_ms(1000); while(1) { delay_ms(1000); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); // Clear display clearVAL(); //AT+CIPMUX=0 lcd_out(3,1,"connecting..."); value[0]='\0'; strcat(value,"AT+CWJAP=\"PTCL-BB\",\"F4C0A9AB\""); UART1_WRITE_TEXT(&value) ; UART1_WRITE(0X0D); UART1_WRITE(0X0A); delay_ms(1000); delay_ms(1000); sec=0; while(1) { voltage1 = findvoltage(0); current1 = findcurrent(1); adc_val=adc_read(2)*0.488; display(); delay_ms(40); delay_ms(2000); lcd_out(3,1,"Uploading..."); clearVAL(); value[0]='\0'; strcat(value,"AT+CIPSTART=4,\"TCP\",\"\",80"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT(&value) ; UART1_WRITE(0X0D); UART1_WRITE(0X0A); sec=0; delay_ms(2000); clearVAL(); value[0]='\0'; strcat(value,"AT+CIPSEND=4,70"); UART1_WRITE_TEXT(&value) ; UART1_WRITE(0X0D); UART1_WRITE(0X0A); delay_ms(2000); clearVAL(); value[0]='\0'; lcd_out(3,1,"GET DATA"); strcat(value,"GET /update?key=2U36ML8CHJR23IOW&field1="); //UPDATE CHANNEL using API UART1_WRITE_TEXT(&value) ; UART1_WRITE((voltage1/1000)+48); UART1_WRITE(((voltage1%1000)/100)+48); UART1_WRITE(((voltage1%100)/10)+48); UART1_WRITE((voltage1%10)+48); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("&field2=") ; UART1_WRITE((current1/1000)+48); UART1_WRITE(((current1%1000)/100)+48); UART1_WRITE(((current1%100)/10)+48); UART1_WRITE((current1%10)+48); UART1_WRITE_TEXT("&field3=") ; UART1_WRITE((adc_val/1000)+48); UART1_WRITE(((adc_val%1000)/100)+48); UART1_WRITE(((adc_val%100)/10)+48); UART1_WRITE((adc_val%10)+48); UART1_WRITE(0x0d); UART1_WRITE(0x0a); delay_ms(2000); delay_ms(1000); lcd_out(3,1,"CIPLCOSE"); clearVAL(); //AT+CIPMUX=0 value[0]='\0'; delay_ms(10000); } } }
Video lecture
Applications and Advantages of the Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet System
- This remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet system could be used for the real-time data monitoring of transformer or generator.
- This system could be used for real time data monitoring of industrial loads.
- This system could be used for real time data monitoring of domestic load.
- By using this system, the user or supply company can easily check the instant temperature, current or voltage of transformer or generator if they increased their rated parameters then the user can shift the load to another supply source before something occurred.
- This system is more reliable, cheap and compact as compared to the other systems.
Dear sir,
i was trying to do the same project as described above.I am running proteus 8 version and i cant find the esp8266 module.Please tell me how i can find it sir
Search it on proteus ,unless download it and insert in proteus liberary
Where the data will go after esp 8266
Respected sir,
Please send me code of this project and hex file
Hi sir I want to create this project in hardware please guide me. Also, I don’t want to show all parameters on LCD. Can you please guide me?
Can i send the data with just simulation
Please give the video on hardware of this project
please sir, can you give me a code
woohoo is really a good system
Please am a final year power systems student and I really intern to work on this system as my final year project please how can u really be of help to me to accomplish this project