AD623 Low Cost Instrumentation Amplifier
AD623 IC is easy to use, low power instrumentation amplifier built using three operational amplifiers. The two op-amps are used for buffering of positive and negative inputs while the third …
AD623 IC is easy to use, low power instrumentation amplifier built using three operational amplifiers. The two op-amps are used for buffering of positive and negative inputs while the third …
74HC245 is an octal transceiver IC used for asynchronous transfer of data between two devices. Furthermore, it supports data transfer at different voltage levels. The internal structure of a chip …
74HC157 is a high-speed multiplexer integrated circuit consisting of four 2-inputs digital multiplexers inside the chip. It is pin-compatible with Low-power Schottky TTL. It has two control inputs namely enable …
LM386 is an audio amplifier that utilizes very low power. This IC takes an input voltage from devices (like microphone, radio or guitar, etc.) and amplifies them to a tens …
CA3130 is a BiMOS operational amplifier IC with MOSFET Input and BiMOS devices have advantages of both bipolar and CMOS transistors. Bipolar transistors can perform fast switching and perform well …
RB156 Bridge Rectifier is a full bridge rectifier transistor IC. It offers 1.5 Ampere output load current and 50-900 Volts. Furthermore, it consumes very low reverse biasing current and low …
28BYJ-48 is a uni-polar 5V stepper motor that takes electrical signals as input and rotates by converting these input signals into the mechanical rotation. It consists of 4 stationary coils …
CS51411 IC is a low voltage, 1.5 Ampere buck regulator IC. We can use it to step down the voltage meanwhile stepping up the current from input to output. It …
TP4056 module is a linear charger lithium-ion batteries. This module can charge batteries consists of single cells. Most importantly, it supports constant current and constant voltage modes of charging operations. …
UCC25600 IC is an 8-pin Resonant mode controller having high performance and high efficiency. Boost converters having high voltages and operating under high switching frequency have two serious drawbacks which …