STM32 Nucleo F401RE Development Board
STM32 Nucleo F401RE is a low cost and quick to use a development board. It has an ARM Cortex 32 Bit microcontroller that comes only in a single package LQFP. …
STM32 Nucleo F401RE is a low cost and quick to use a development board. It has an ARM Cortex 32 Bit microcontroller that comes only in a single package LQFP. …
Arduino MKR1000 is one of the smart boards, which was designed by the combination of Arduino and wifi board. The basic purpose of designing was to introduce a small and …
ATMega32 is one of the most popular microcontrollers of Atmel. It has similarities with ATMega328P. Memory size in ATMega32 is smaller than ATMega328P but the number of pins is greater. …
PIC16F887 Microcontroller is an 8-bit microcontroller designed with RSIC CPU technology, which helps the microcontroller to give the maximum output using less power. It has a total of 40-pins and …
The STM32F4 Discovery board is small devices based on STMF407 ARM microcontroller, which is a high-performance microcontroller. This board allows users to develop and design applications. It has multiple modules …
Raspberry Pi is a small-sized computer used Linux operating system. It is mini size computer used mostly to run larger and smart programs to achieve output quickly. Raspberry Pi 4 …
ATMega16 is one of the cheapest and most used microcontrollers due to its multiple pins and feature. It is closest to the ATmega328P but it is smaller in memory size …
BeagleBone Black is a small package of a microprocessor and memory which helps to operate the other embedded system through a Linux operating system. It is a system on chip …
ATtiny45 is one of the most popular microcontrollers due to its small size and multiple features. This microcontroller available in multiple embedded systems and even you can find its applications …
ATmega328P is one of the high performances AVR technology microcontroller with a large number of pins and features. It is designed by 8-bit CMOS technology and RSIC CPU which enhance …