ESP32 Receive Data from Google Firebase with Example to Control Outputs
Imagine being able to control things like lights or appliances in your home from your phone, no matter where you are. In this tutorial, we will learn how to receive …
Complete ESP32 tutorials starting from basics to advances level. ESP32 is a famous development board for the internet of things applications. Although, other IoT development boards are also available in the market. But this board gains popularity among embedded developers and hobbyists in a short time. Because of its on-board many features such as Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi, Crypto-Engine and many others.
Imagine being able to control things like lights or appliances in your home from your phone, no matter where you are. In this tutorial, we will learn how to receive …
In this tutorial, we will learn how to control the output of ESP32 or ESP8266 NodeMCU by using Telegram Bot. Telegram is a free, cross-platform, cloud-based messaging application used for …
In this user guide, we will learn how to create an ESP32 and ESP8266 thermostat web server with a temperature threshold input. The web server will control ESP boards output …
By default, the hostname of ESP32 based development boards is espressif. But we can change the default hostname by using WiFi.setHostname() function. In this tutorial, we will learn to set …
In this user guide, we will create an ESP32 and ESP8266 momentary switch web server that will be able to control the ESP32 and ESP8266 GPIO outputs using Arduino IDE. …
In this tutorial, we’ll find out how to make sure that the ESP32 device stays connected to the Wi-Fi network even if the connection is lost temporarily. In other words, …
In this user guide, we will learn to interface MPU6050 with ESP32 using Arduino IDE. It is Accelerometer and a Gyroscope module used to measure acceleration, temperature, displacement, and angular …
In this tutorial, we will see how to store data in flash memory of ESP32 using the Preferences.h library and Arduino IDE. We can use this library to read and …
In this tutorial, we will see how to retain or remember the last state of GPIO pins on the ESP32 board after a reset using the Preferences library in Arduino …
In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on the ESP32 microcontroller using the Arduino IDE. We will establish communication between the ESP32 as a …