Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller

Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC MicrocontrollerVehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller is a system, which turned on or off the street lights after sensing the vehicle movement in a street. Basically, this an energy conservation system which saves the energy when there is no any vehicle movement in a street. Now days if we see in our vicinity areas, then there are so many lights which are always in turned on condition (day and night). Besides this, turned on/off the street light on daily bases also a big problem. So, for resolving this problem and energy conversation here we have designed a system that is called a vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller with the help of pic 18F452 microcontroller, transformer, voltage regulator and IR sensors. So many streets lights could be turned on/off automatically by using this single system. In other words, this system turned on the lights when any vehicle pass through the street and turned off after passing them.

Block Diagram of the Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller

Here is the block diagram of this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller with all their essential components,Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller Vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller is a system, which turned on or off the street lights after sensing the vehicle movement in a street. Basically, this an energy conservation system which saves the energy when there is no any vehicle movement in a street. Now days if we see in our vicinity areas, then there are so many lights which are always in turned on condition (day and night). Besides this, turned on/off the street light on daily bases also a big problem. So, for resolving this problem and energy conversation here we have designed a system that is called a vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller with the help of pic 18F452 microcontroller, transformer, voltage regulator and IR sensors. So many streets lights could be turned on/off automatically by using this single system. In other words, this system turned on the lights when any vehicle pass through the street and turned off after passing them. Block Diagram of the Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller: Here is the block diagram of this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller with all their essential components,    Figure 1 Block Diagram of the Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller Components List with Detail of the Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller: Transformer: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, transformer is used for connecting this system directly to 220V ac or wapda power supply. It steps down the 220V ac to 12V and works on the principle of mutual induction.    Bridge Rectifier: Whole component of this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller works on dc power supply therefore the bridge rectifier is used for converting the ac voltages into dc voltages. It consists of four diodes   Blocking Diode: In this system, the blocking diode is used for blocking the reverse polarity current, which could come from output components of this system. In other words, it provides the protection of transformer. Voltage Regulator: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, the voltage regulator is used for regulating the 12V dc into 5V for powered up the whole electronic components of this system. Here LM 7805 voltage regulator is used for regulating the dc voltages. Microcontroller: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, a 18F452 microcontroller is used for the intelligent control of this system. It is 40 pins integrated circuit IC and these pins could be configured as input or output. It is powered up with 5V dc and is programmed in c language with the help of mikro/c software. Here it is interfaced with IR transmitter, receiver and row of LEDs treated as a street lights. Row of LEDs Treated as Street Light: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller 6 light emitting diodes are used in a row which are treated as street light for the demonstration purposes of this system. These LEDs are PN junction diodes which emits the light when it is activated. For their activation voltages are applied across its leads then electrons are recombining with electron holes and then they release the energy in the form of light photons. These LEDs are interfaced with microcontroller and is powered up with 5V dc supply.  IR Transmitter: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, the IR transmitter is used for sensing the vehicle and sending the signal to IR receiver. It is basically a IR LED which emits the infrared light in the range of infrared frequency. It has almost 20-60-degree light emitting angle and few centimeter range, which depends upon it type. It is operated at 3V and consumer 20mA current.  IR Receiver: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, the IR receiver is used for receiving the infrared signal which comes from IR transmitter. It is interface with microcontroller and is operated at 5V dc supply. Working Principle of Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller: This vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller works on the principle of IR sensors working. When any vehicle which comes from any side of the road then IR sensors sense this vehicle and then sends the infrared light signal through IR transmitter towards IR receiver. The IR receiver which is interfaced with microcontroller received this signal and gives input high signal to microcontroller. The microcontroller which is basically the main controller of this system gives the signal high to respective LEDs, then this respective LED is turned on till for that time until the vehicle is in front of this respective transmitter. After passing the vehicle, the IR receiver gives the input low signal to microcontroller then microcontroller turned off the respective LED. This is only for the demonstration purposes but in a reality, streets light would be hanged instead of LEDs row and these streets lights would be controlled this vehicle movement based street light system. This system also works accordingly to the intensity of vehicles means when there is only one vehicle then it would be turned on the lights for small time similarly when there is so many vehicles then it would be turned on the light for that time until the last vehicle is passed. Applications and Advantages of Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller: 1.	This vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller could be used in streets for controlling the street light. 2.	This system could be used in shopping malls, universities and hospitals corridor for controlling their respective lights.  3.	This system could be also used in homes for controlling the lights of store or vehicle garage. 4.	By using this system, the customer can save the time, light energy and decrease the monthly bill.  5.	This system less costly, less installation and maintenance cost and more efficient as compared to the others system

Figure 1 Block Diagram of the Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller

Components List with Detail of the Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller

Transformer: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, transformer is used for connecting this system directly to 220V ac or wapda power supply. It steps down the 220V ac to 12V and works on the principle of mutual induction.

Bridge Rectifier: Whole component of this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller works on dc power supply therefore the bridge rectifier is used for converting the ac voltages into dc voltages. It consists of four diodes

Blocking Diode: In this system, the blocking diode is used for blocking the reverse polarity current, which could come from output components of this system. In other words, it provides the protection of transformer.

Voltage Regulator: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, the voltage regulator is used for regulating the 12V dc into 5V for powered up the whole electronic components of this system. Here LM 7805 voltage regulator is used for regulating the dc voltages.

Microcontroller: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, a 18F452 microcontroller is used for the intelligent control of this system. It is 40 pins integrated circuit IC and these pins could be configured as input or output. It is powered up with 5V dc and is programmed in c language with the help of mikro/c software. Here it is interfaced with IR transmitter, receiver and row of LEDs treated as a street lights.

Row of LEDs Treated as Street Light: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller 6 light emitting diodes are used in a row which are treated as street light for the demonstration purposes of this system. These LEDs are PN junction diodes which emits the light when it is activated. For their activation voltages are applied across its leads then electrons are recombining with electron holes and then they release the energy in the form of light photons. These LEDs are interfaced with microcontroller and is powered up with 5V dc supply.

IR Transmitter: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, the IR transmitter is used for sensing the vehicle and sending the signal to IR receiver. It is basically a IR LED which emits the infrared light in the range of infrared frequency. It has almost 20-60-degree light emitting angle and few centimeter range, which depends upon it type. It is operated at 3V and consumer 20mA current.

IR Receiver: In this vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller, the IR receiver is used for receiving the infrared signal which comes from IR transmitter. It is interface with microcontroller and is operated at 5V dc supply.

Working Principle of Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller

This vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller works on the principle of IR sensors working. When any vehicle which comes from any side of the road then IR sensors sense this vehicle and then sends the infrared light signal through IR transmitter towards IR receiver. The IR receiver which is interfaced with microcontroller received this signal and gives input high signal to microcontroller. The microcontroller which is basically the main controller of this system gives the signal high to respective LEDs, then this respective LED is turned on till for that time until the vehicle is in front of this respective transmitter. After passing the vehicle, the IR receiver gives the input low signal to microcontroller then microcontroller turned off the respective LED. This is only for the demonstration purposes but in a reality, streets light would be hanged instead of LEDs row and these streets lights would be controlled this vehicle movement based street light system. This system also works accordingly to the intensity of vehicles means when there is only one vehicle then it would be turned on the lights for small time similarly when there is so many vehicles then it would be turned on the light for that time until the last vehicle is passed.

Applications and Advantages of Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller

  1. This vehicle movement based street light system using pic microcontroller could be used in streets for controlling the street light.
  2. This system could be used in shopping malls, universities and hospitals corridor for controlling their respective lights.
  3. This system could be also used in homes for controlling the lights of store or vehicle garage.
  4. By using this system, the customer can save the time, light energy and decrease the monthly bill.
  5. This system less costly, less installation and maintenance cost and more efficient as compared to the others system

5 thoughts on “Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller”

  1. I am going to make this project (Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller) using PIC16F887. And i have nearly completed it. But i have some doubt regarding the coding.
    Sir, so my kind request to you is to give the source code for the following projects. And,if possible please upload a video of the project also like you have uploaded for others projects.
    I am urgently need this because i have to submit it in SUMMER TRAINING PROJECTS. I will be grateful to you if send it as soon as possible…(in 2-3 days)
    Thank you.

  2. I am going to make this project (Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller) using PIC16F887. And i have nearly completed it. But i have some doubt regarding the coding.
    Sir, so my kind request to you is to give the source code for the following projects. And,if possible please upload a video of the project also like you have uploaded for others projects.
    I am urgently need this because i have to submit it in SUMMER TRAINING PROJECTS. I will be grateful to you if send it as soon as possible…(in 2-3 days)
    Thank you.

  3. Sir,
    I am going to make this project (Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller) using PIC16F887 but I need proteus simulation and program code.And,if possible please upload a video of the project also like you have uploaded for others projects.
    I will be grateful to you if send me this as soon as possible.

  4. Sir,
    I am going to make this project (Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller) using PIC16F887 but I need proteus simulation and program code.And,if possible please upload a video of the project also like you have uploaded for others projects.
    I will be grateful to you if send me this as soon as possible.


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