LED Blinking with Arduino UNO R3
In this tutorial, we will learn to use digital output pins of Arduino by making LED-based projects. Starting with simple LED blinking projects, we will see different projects and Arduino …
In this tutorial, we will learn to use digital output pins of Arduino by making LED-based projects. Starting with simple LED blinking projects, we will see different projects and Arduino …
Getting started with Arduino. In this article, I have explained the basics of Arduino hardware and software: how to use Arduino for the first time, how to connect the Arduino …
Line follower robot using avr microcontroller. In this tutorial you will learn how to design a line follower robot using avr microcontroller and path sensors. It follow a black line …
Automatic control of street lights is designed to turn on and off street lights automatically. This project checks the amount of light. If the light is 80 percent available, it …
The triac firing angle control circuit is designed to control the flow of AC power from the input supply to the load by changing the average voltage across the load. …
Smart solar charge controller using a microcontroller is designed to charge batteries in an efficient way so that their lifetime can be increased. The pulse width modulation technique is used …
Smart under and over voltage protection system for home is designed to insure protection of home devices like fan, light lamps, television, refrigerator and all other things you need to …
Green house intelligent control system is designed to protect the plants from more cool and hot weather and an additional control system is included to save power by making fans …
Interfacing circuits with microcontrollers. In this article, I have discussed various elements and circuits interfacing with microcontrollers. These circuits are useful for those who want to work on embedded system …
A modified sine wave inverter is designed by utilizing a PIC microcontroller and a push-pull topology. The push-pull configuration operates MOSFETs as switches and a control circuit controls them to …