Pic microcontroller projects are very popular among Electrical and electronics engineering students. PIC microcontrollers are family of microcontrollers designed by microchip. Pic microcontrollers used Harvard architecture. PIC microcontrollers are available in a wide range starting from 8-bit to 32-bit microcontrollers. Dspic microcontrollers are also very famous in the digital signal processing field. PIC16F family of pic microcontroller is very famous among engineering students and professionals. Pic microcontroller projects list is given below. PIC16F series of microcontrollers are used in almost all projects in this list. This list contains pic microcontroller projects based on PIC16, PIC18 and Dspic microcontrollers.

Every year many electrical and electronics engineering students are working on different pic microcontroller projects. Pic microcontrollers are very famous among engineering students. PIC microcontrollers are easy to use due to easy to use compiler Mikro C. In this article, I have listed the best pic microcontroller projects. These projects contain a complete circuit diagram, simulation, and programming. I tried to cover each and everything in these articles. If you want to include your project in this list, write in comments. I will love to share your project with others.
Complete list of PIC microcontroller projects:
This project consists of measuring alternating current with current transformer and difference amplifier. It also contains source code with step by step guide.
This project is about how to measure alternating voltage using PIC16F877A microcontroller. Two methods are discussed to measure voltage ; one is difference amplifier method and other one is using potential transformer.
Speed control of DC motor is explained with step by step instructions to control speed with pulse width modulation technique. It also includes proteus simulation and source code.
In this project, digital temperature sensor is designed using LM35 temperature sensor and liquid crystal display. ADC is used to measure analog output of temperature sensor.
It can be used to measure frequency of square wave signals. Timers and external interrupts are configured to measure frequency. LCD displays this measured value.
Digital humidity project measures humidity using SH11 sensor. SH11 sensor is a capacitive type sensor. 555 timer circuit is used along with SH11 sensor.
It is used to convert dc voltage into ac voltage having a pure sine wave. Full H-Bridge is used as a converter. IR2110 mosfet driver drives the MOSFETs of H-Bridge. PIC16F877A is used to provide SPWM signals and to control switches.
It is a complete design of single phase sine wave inverter. It includes dc to dc convert which converts 12 volts dc into 320 volts dc. This 320 volts dc is fed into H-Bridge which converts it into AC supply of 220 volts by using SPWM technique.
Green house monitoring system monitors various parameters of green house like temperature, humidity, intensity of light and soil moisture. It also controls lights, water pump , fan and shower according to parameters of these sensors.
This voltage protection system provides protection from under and over voltage of AC main power supply. If voltage fluctuates between minimum or maximum limit, this device triggers the relay to isolate devices from main ac power supply.
Smart solar charge controller project is designed using PWM technique. It is used to charge batteries from solar panel efficiently. It gives long life to batteries.
It automatically controls the street lights based on light intensity. If light intensity falls under a specific visibility limit, it will turn on the street light and also vice versa.
This project is about robot which travels on a black line. IR sensors sense black line. Robot follows the black line according to sensors outputs.
ATS is used to automatically transfer load from one source to another. For example, if you have two power sources ; one is ac main supply and other is generator. If main supply shuts down, ATS can automatically turn on the generator and shifts the load to generator.
Buck converters are used to step down dc voltages. This project steps down the dc voltage and provides regulated voltage at the output.
Similar to last project, it is used to step up the dc voltage. This project is used to get regulated step up voltage at output.
- Buck Boost converter design and implementation using pic microcontroller
- Cuck converter design and implementation using pic microcontroller
- Auto intensity control of street lights using pic microcontroller
It can be used to control intensity of street lights automatically based on percentage of light available. This project can be used to save power from street lights.
It consists of a soil moisture sensor and water pump. Soil moisture sensor measures the level of moisture in soil and automatically turns on or turns off water pump according to requirement of water in soil. User can also adds the functionality of GSM. By using GSM module, user can check the soil level through sms and send message to control water pump.
Solar panels work through solar light. They provide better efficiency under full sun and their efficiency reduces under shade. Solar tracking system rotates the panels towards high light angle by measuring intensity of light through light dependent resistors.
Like other robots, metal detector robot can be controlled by remote or through WiFi. As soon as it detects metal in its surrounding, it send alarm signal to user by metal detection through RF communication.
PV panels provide dc voltage, dc current and energy at the output. This project measures solar energy along with voltage and current , displays its value on LCD.
Unlike light based solar tracker, time based solar tracker automatically rotate according to time. Sun rotates according to time in day. It fellows the time to make adjustment to rotation.
ZCD circuits are used in power electronics circuit to make switching at zero crossing of sine wave to avoid switching losses. This pic microcontroller project detects the zero crossing and provide output in the form of pulse at output pin of PIC16F877A.
In AC power supply, power factor has very importance to define efficiency of power devices and power systems. This power factor meter can be used to measure PF of single phase devices.
AC power is measured in watts. This single phase ac power meter is designed to measure ac power in watts. It is also known as watt meter.
In power system, capacitors are used to increase power factor and inductive loads are the source which reduce power factor. APFC project measures the power factor and automatically connect capacitor banks across load to adjust power.
This device is used to measure dc voltage. It consists of voltage divider and analog to digital converter. Voltage divider circuit reduce the voltage below 5 volts and microcontroller measures this voltage.
- Digital DC Ammeter design and implementation
- Digital ohm meter using pic microcontroller
- Digital DC watt meter using pic microcontroller
- Digital clock using DS1307 with PIC16F877A
- Speed control of single-phase induction motor using pic microcontroller
- AC power control with thyristor using pic microcontroller
- Digital sine wave frequency meter design with pic microcontroller
- Automatic electronics bell for school
- Digital thermometer using MCP9700
- Foot step voltage/power generation system using pic microcontroller
- Soft starter for three phase induction motor using pic microcontroller
- Automatic voltage stabilizer design and circuit
- Multi input charge controller for renewable energy
- GSM based home devices control system
- Humanoid robotic arm using pic microcontroller
- Digital electronics lock with keypad
- Bluetooth based home automation system using android phone
- Wireless phone-controlled robot design
- Digital multimeter design using pic microcontroller
- GSM based SMS receiver circuit using pic microcontroller
- Contactless tachometer design with pic microcontroller and speed sensor
- Password based circuit breaker using PIC18F46K22
- Bluetooth controlled Robot using Android application
- TV remote controlled home automation system using pic microcontroller
- Wireless electronics notice board using PIC18F452
- Vehicle Theft Intimation to the Owner on his Cell Phone by GSM with User Programmable Number of Features Using PIC Microcontroller
- Load Control Energy Meter Reading System Using PIC Microcontroller
- PIC based Vehicle tracking system using GPS and GSM module
- Electric Energy Theft Intimation System Using PIC Microcontroller
- parking management system project using pic microcontroller
- IOT Based Load Control Over Standalone Wi-Fi using pic microcontroller
- Three Phase Motor Drive Using Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique
- RFID based electronic lock using pic microcontroller
- Three phase AC voltage meter using PIC18F452
- PIC based prepaid energy meter using GSM module
- PIC based attendance system using RFID module
- Three Phase Solid State Relay with ZVS using pic microcontroller
- Thyristor Controlled Power for Single Phase Induction Motor
- Thyristor Controlled Cyclo Converter design with pic microcontroller
- Esp8266 based home automation system using wifi
- accelerometer Based Hand Gesture Controlled Robot using Xbee
- Voice Controlled Home Appliances System using pic microcontroller
- Density Based Auto Traffic Signal Control with Android Based Remote Override System
- Efficient Energy Management System with Smart Grid
- Auto Power Supply Control System from 4 Different Sources Using PIC Microcontroller
- FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission System) By SVC using pic microcontroller
- Four Quadrant Operation of DC Motor Remotely Controlled by Android Application System
- Remote Monitoring of Transformer /Generator Health over Internet
- Display of Underground Cable Fault Distance Over Internet
- Detecting Power Grid Synchronization Failure System on Sensing Frequency or Voltage Beyond the Acceptable Range
- Flammable Gas and Fire Accident Prevention System with GSM
- Pic Based Ultrasonic Radar System for distance measurement
- IOT based temperature data logger using esp8266 and pic microcontroller
- Home security system using PIR sensor and GSM module
- Three phase AC power meter using pic microcontroller
- Automatic Wireless Health Monitoring System in Hospitals for Patients
- Monthly Electricity Billing Display System with Bill SMS Features
- Contactless Liquid Level Controller System using pic microcontroller
- BLDC Motor Speed Control with RPM Display System
- Vehicle Movement Based Street Light System Using PIC Microcontroller
- Factory Worker Alcohol Detector with Automatic Machine Shutdown System
- IOT Based ICU Patient Monitoring System using pic microcontroller
- GPS based clock using pic microcontroller
- Display GPS Co-ordinates on LCD using pic microcontroller
- PIC bases Automatic temperature controller
- GPS based speedometer using pic microcontroller
- gsm based dc motor speed control using pic microcontroller
- PC Controlled Stepper Motor System Using PIC Microcontroller
- XBee Based Device Control System Using Pic Microcontroller
- Accelerometer Based Tilt Sensor System Using Pic Microcontroller
- Accident Alarm System Using Pic Microcontroller
- XBee Based Temperature and Gas Monitoring System Using Pic Microcontroller
- dspic33fj12GP202 based sinusoidal pulse width modulation generation
- DsPIC33F microcontroller based pure sine wave inverter
- MPPT Based Charge Controller Using Pic Microcontroller
- Heart beat pulse sensor interfacing with pic microcontroller
- MPX4115A pressure sensor interfacing with pic microcontroller – Digital Barometer
- ACPWM control for Induction Motor using pic microcontroller
- Bidirectional Rotation of an Induction Motor with a Remote-Control Device
- Closed Loop Control for a Brushless DC Motor to Run at the Exactly Entered Speed
- Fire Plus Hazardous Gas Detection and Instant SMS Alerting System
- Power Meter Billing Plus Load Control Using GSM System
- Bill Prediction & Power Factor Measuring with SMS Alert System
- Touch Screen Based Home Automation System
- Ultra-Fast Acting Electronic Circuit Breaker using pic microcontroller
- IOT Smart Energy Meter using pic microcontroller
- IOT based Liquid Level Monitoring System
- IOT based Weather Reporting System using pic microcontroller
- IOT Based Toll Booth Manager System using pic microcontroller
- Coin Based Water Dispenser System using pic microcontroller
- Flame detector circuit using pic microcontroller
- Soil moisture measurement meter
- Rain detector circuit using pic microcontroller
- Gas detector circuit using pic microcontroller
- Three phase space vector pulse width modulation using pic microcontroller
- three phase sine wave inverter using pic microcontroller
- three phase variable frequency SPWM for VFD using pic microcontroller
- variable frequency drive 3 phase induction motor using pic microcontroller
- soft starter for single phase induction motor using pic microcontroller
- Programmable AC Power Control Using Pic Microcontroller
- AC Dimmer of Two Loads Using Single Controller
- Advanced Informative Blind Stick Using GPS and GSM Module
- Three Phase Induction Motor Protection System Using PIC Microcontroller
This is a complete list of pic microcontroller project using PIC16F877A, PIC18452, PIC18F4550, PIC18F46K22 and many other pic microcontrollers.
can i get the programming source code
you are genius (Bilal Malik)
Plz can I get more information about code of alternating current measurement using pic 16f877a microcontroller
i neen simple project GSM module interfacing with pic microcontroller
hello im having a hard time sifting throughthe list for a pic18f14k50 program. Does anyone know which work or would be compatable?
Hello guys, working on this and need some help. Design a smart fish tank control system with 8051 microcontroller unit. In addition to MCU, the system should contains sensors to sense temperature, water level and water quality, it also has actuators of air pump and water pump. The system can be expanded with wireless communication of WIFI to have the ability of remote control.
hello guys I am mekuanint. I am doing a project called proteus simulation of robotic car control system using PIC16F877A and obstacle detection system using DTMF technology please help me in both circuit design and code.
Thanks for your information.