150+ Arduino Tutorials and Projects

Arduino Tutorials: This is a complete list of Arduino tutorials for beginners and those who want to enhance their knowledge related to arduino programming.  I hope that after reading these arduino tutorials you will become expert in Arduino and you will be able to write your own program for Arduino and will be to make your first project using Arduino.  This is a complete list of arduino tutorials for beginners. It contains getting started tutorial for beginners along with video lectures. This list of Arduino tutorials also contains more than 40 sensors interfacing with arduino. It also includes IOT based project using Arduino Uno R3.

Arduino tutorials for beginners

In this series of Arduino tutorials list,  we will start from basics of Arduino programming and after that we will get a basic review on Arduino Uno R3 which is a first Arduino board and this is very popular among electronics hobbyist. You can also check Arduino tutorials videos at the end of this article.

  1. Introduction to Arduino programming: Before getting started with this Arduino tutorials, I recommend you to read this getting started tutorial on Arduino programming where we have discussed basics of Arduino programming .
  2. Introduction to Arduino Uno R3
  3. INTRODUCTION TO Arduino mega 2560
  5. INTRODUCTION to Arduino Lilypad
  6. Introduction to Arduino Due
  7. INTRODUCTION to Arduino Mini
  8.  Getting Started with Arduino: In this Arduino tutorial we will learn basics of Arduino hardware and software. How to use Arduino first time? How to connect Arduino board with our computer? How to start learning Arduino?
  9. LED Blinking with Arduino UNO R3: In this Arduino tutorial, we will learn what digital pins are? How to use digital output pins of Arduino and how to declare these digital pins as an output pin?
  1. How to use push button with Arduino UNO R3 In this Arduino tutorial, we will learn how to use digital pins of Arduino as an input? How to use push button with Arduino UNO R3? To demonstrate use of digital pins as an input, push button is used to control two LEDS connected with digital input/output pins of Arduino.
  2.  LCD Interfacing with Arduino UNO R3 In this Arduino tutorial we will learn how to interface LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) with Arduino UNO R3 and programming functions required for interfacing of LCD with Arduino UNO R3.
  3. Analog Voltage Reading using Arduino UNO R3In this tutorial we will learn how to use analog to digital converter channels of Arduino UNO R3? How to read analog voltage using this board? How to these channels to communicate with analog world?
  4. Light Sensor and Street Light Control Using Arduino In this Arduino tutorial, we will learn how to interface Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and relay with Arduino? How to take input from analog pin and control output from digital pin?
  5.  PIR Sensor Interfacing with ArduinoIn this project we will learn what is PIR sensor?  What are applications of PIR sensor? How to interface Passive Infrared (PIR) sensor with Arduino? What are the hardware aspects to consider while interfacing PIR Sensor with Arduino?
  6.  Real Time Clock DS1307 Interfacing with ArduinoIn this article we will learn how to interface real time clock DS1307 with Arduino? How to make digital clock using Arduino and integrated circuit DS1307? Why real time clock is used? What is dedicated integrated circuit for real time clock?
  7. Infrared (IR) Sensor Interfacing with Arduino In this article we will learn about infrared sensor? We will learn what is infrared sensor? What are applications of infrared sensor? How to interface infrared sensor with Arduino Uno R3? How to make infrared sensor using electronic components?
  8.  Distance Measuring Using Ultrasonic Sensor and Arduino In this tutorial we will learn how to interface ultrasonic sensor HC SR04 with Arduino. What is Ultrasonic Sensor? How to use it as distance measuring device?
  9.  Piezoelectric Sensor Interfacing with Arduino UNO R3 In this tutorial we will learn how to interface piezoelectric sensor with Arduino? What is piezoelectric sensor? How it works? What type of output it generates?
  10.  Zigbee Interfacing with Arduino In this tutorial we will learn what zigbee is? How it works for wireless communication. How to interface zigbee with Arduino? What are its applications?
  11.  How to make obstacle avoidance robot using Arduino In this project we will make an obstacle avoidance robot. Whenever it will encounter any obstacle in its path it will avoid collision by changing its path automatically.
  12. Acceleration Measurement using Arduino UNO R3 In this tutorial will we learn how to measure acceleration using ADL320 acceleration measurement sensor? We will interface this sensor with Arduino? How to track two directional movement of any object?
  13.  Remote Controlled Differential Derive Robot In this project we will make a robot which will make a differential robot i.e. its turning speed depends on the speed difference between two wheels. We will discuss each and every thing required to make this project work.
  14. Servo Motor Control and Interfacing with Arduino In this tutorial we will learn how to interface servo motor with Arduino UNO board? We will also implement logic to control the angle of Servo motor.
  1. Soft Starter for 3 Phase Induction Motor using Microcontroller In this project we will learn what soft starter is? Why we need it? What are different techniques to achieve its purpose? How to implement it and what are parameters to consider for its working?
  2.  Three Phase Sine Wave Inverter using Arduino In this Arduino tutorial,  we will learn how to implement 3 phase sine wave inverter using Arduino mega2560 microcontroller? How does 3 phase sine wave inverter works? What are its applications?
  3.  Pick and Place Multi-Axis Robotic Arm In this Arduino tutorial we will learn what is a multi-axis robotic arm? How does it work? What are its applications and graphical representation of its component’s interfacing?
  4. Difference Between Raspberry Pi and Arduino In this Arduino tutorial we will discuss two important microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi and Arduino. We will compare them in terms of their history and features.
  5. Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino In this Arduino tutorial we will learn what relay module is? What is its pin out? What are its input and output connections? How to interface it with Arduino? What are its applications?
  6.  Joystick Based Servo Motor Control using Arduino In this project we will learn how to control servo motor using joystick? What are connections of joystick and servo motor and how to interface them with Arduino?
  7. DHT11 Interfacing with Arduino and Weather Station In this project we will form a weather station which will display the temperature and humidity of atmosphere at LCD. Temperature and humidity is measured using DHT11 sensor.
  8.  DS18B20 Temperature Module Interfacing with Arduino In this project we will interface DS18B20 temperature sensor with Arduino board to measure temperature of surrounding atmosphere and display it on serial monitor of Arduino IDE.
  9.  Thermistor Interfacing with Arduino – Temperature Meter In this tutorial we will learn how to thermistor works? What is its pin out? How to interface it with arduino and How to measure temperature using thermistor?
  10. IR Receiver Transmitter interfacing with Arduino In this tutorial we will learn what IR communication is. How IR receiver and transmitter work? How to interface IR receiver with Arduino and obtain information sent using transmitter?
  11. ESP8266 Wi-Fi module: Getting Stated TutoriaIn this tutorial we will learn about history of Wi-Fi. What is Wi-Fi module? What is its pin configuration? What are its instruction commands? How to interface it with Arduino and what are its applications?
  12.  Photo Resistor Interfering with Arduino for Light Measurement In this tutorial we will learn about specifications of photo resistor module, types of photo resistor module, features of photo resistor module, its pin configuration and its interfacing with arduino.
  13. Buzzer Interfacing with Arduino – Sound code Examples In this tutorial we will learn about active and passive buzzer and their differences. How to interface them with Arduino and how to play melody using passive buzzer?
  14. Hall Effect Sensor with Arduino Circuit and Code In this tutorial we will learn what Hall Effect sensor is? How does it work? What is its pin configuration and how to interface it with Arduino?
  15.  Flame Sensor Interfacing with Arduino for Fire Detection In this tutorial we will learn about flame sensor, its working and its pin configuration. We will learn how to interface it with Arduino to detect the fire and give some kind of indication.
  16.  Reed Switch Interfacing with Arduino – Magnetic Field Detection In this tutorial we will learn what is reed switch, what is reed switch pin out, how reed switch is interfaced with Arduino digital pin and analog pin and what is Mini Reed Switch?
  17. Heart Beat Sensor with Arduino – Heart Pulse Measurement In this tutorial we will learn about the heart beat sensor, its working, pin configuration and its interfacing with Arduino to measure the heart beat and we will display the pulse rate at the LCD interfaced with Arduino.
  18.  Rotary Encoder Interfacing with Arduino We will learn how rotary encoder works? What is its pin configuration? How to interface it with Arduino? We will make a small project to control the DC motor speed with the help of Rotary Encoder and Arduino.
  19. Arduino USB to TTL Converter – Three Ways to use We will discuss three methods of USB to TTL converter in this tutorial. These methods make it possible to use Arduino as USB to TTL converter.
  20. Remote Monitoring System with LabVIEW and xBee In this project we will make a remote monitoring system. We will monitor light intensity and temperature of atmosphere and send it to LabVIEW using xbee as wireless system.We will also interface LCD with Arduino to show results.
  21.  Arduino with LabVIEW: Getting Arduino Data through Serial Communication in LabVIEIn this tutorial we will learn how to interface Arduino with lab view or how to get Arduino data through serial communication on LabVIEW graphical user interface. We will also learn basics of LabVIEW.
  22.  How to Program Arduino with LabVIEW Step by Step Guide Here we will learn how to interface Arduino with LabVIEW? Why this interfacing is necessary? We will also get step by step guide to make a project in LabVIEW, upload it to Arduino and control it through LabVIEW.
  23. Automatic Power Source Selector Circuit Using Arduino In this project we will make an automatic switch which will check available power sources and feed the load through one of them whichever will be suitable at present time.
  24.  DC Motor Control with LabVIEW and Arduino In this project we will control the speed as well as direction of DC motor. Step by step guide to build VI from scratch in LabVIEW will be provided. We will control the motor from LabVIEW user interface.
  25. Weather Station using Arduino and LabVIEW In this tutorial, we will interface Arduino with LabVIEW and create a simple weather station to display intensity of light and temperature on front panel of LabVIEW. LM35 and LDR will be used to measure temperature and intensity of light
  26.  Arduino Programming tutorial for beginner In this tutorial we will learn how to create a project in Arduino using C language? We will learn basics of Arduino Programming in C language. We will discuss structures i.e. loops used in C language to program Arduino.
  27. Raindrops Detector: Raindrop Sensor Interfacing with Arduino This tutorial is about the interfacing of raindrop sensor with Arduino. We will learn what is rain raindrop sensor? How it works? What is its pin configuration and How to interface it with Arduino board?
  28. 4×4 keypad Interfacing with Arduino UNO R3 with Code This tutorial is about the interfacing 4×4 keypad with Arduino. We will learn how to identify the pins of keypad, how to wire it and how to use them for giving input command to any embedded system?
  29. Interfacing of MQ-135 Gas Sensor with Arduino In this tutorial we will learn how to interface MQ-135 Gas Sensor with Arduino Board? We will explore what is Gas Sensor? How it works? What is its pin configuration and how to interface it with Arduino?
  30. Water Level Sensor with Arduino This tutorial is about the interfacing of Water Level Sensor with Arduino. We will learn how it works? What is its pin out and how to wire it to measure water level in any tank.
  31. HC-05 Bluetooth module interfacing with Arduino with LED control Example In this tutorial we will learn about the history of Bluetooth and its working.  We will talk about its pin configuration and wiring required to make it working. We will control the LED on Arduino board using Android app through Bluetooth.
  32.  Interfacing GPS module with Arduino: GPS Co-Ordinates on LCD This Arduino tutorial is about the interfacing of GPS module with Arduino. We will learn what is GPS module? How it is used? How it is interfaced with Arduino to locate position? We will display the GPS coordinates on LCD.
  33. GSM module interfacing with Arduino: Send and Receive SMS This  Arduino tutorial elaborates the working of GSM with Arduino Uno. We will make a project to send sms from GSM module to our mobile phone and also receive sms from phone to GSM module. We will discuss complete wiring diagram for this project to make it work.
  34. ESP8266 Wi-Fi module Interfacing with Arduino : Send Data to Server In this Arduino tutorial we will learn how to interface Wi-Fi module with Arduino board? We will see how Wi-Fi works? We will transmit temperature and humidity of atmosphere to server using DHT11 sensor and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module.
  35. Interfacing Ethernet Shield with Arduino: How to Send Data to Server? This Arduino tutorial is about the interfacing of Ethernet Shield with Arduino. We will make a project using Ethernet and Arduino. We will communicate over Ethernet for controlling the real life objects
  36.  Web Controlled Servo Motor using Arduino and ESP8266 In this Arduino tutorial, we will learn about the interaction between website, Wi-Fi module and Arduino. We will control the angle of a servo motor using Arduino and Wi-Fi module.
  37. Data Receiving on Webpage from Arduino using ESP8266 This Arduino tutorial elaborates how to receive data on webpage which is being sent from Arduino board using Wi-Fi module. We will send some strings of data from arduino to Wi-Fi module and module will sent these strings to webpage using local server through an IP Address.
  38. RF transmitter and receiver module interfacing with Arduino How to use Radio frequency transmitter and receiver module to send and receive data between two Arduino boards.
  39.  Bluetooth based dc motor speed and direction control In this Arduino tutorial, You will learn how to control dc motor speed with the help of pwm and control direction of dc motor using HC 06 Bluetooth module. How to send data between arduino and android application.
  40. Arduino with BMP180 Atmospheric Pressure and Temperature sensor
  41. Arduino LED Slider Brightness Control Android App with MIT App Inventor
  42. Arduino Send Messages from Android to LCD with MIT App Inventor
  43. Arduino Watchdog Timer Tutorial with Example
  44. Arduino Comparator Tutorial with Example
  45. Arduino RGB LED Control using Android App with MIT App Inventor
  46. Arduino Send Sensor Readings to Android app with MIT App Inventor
  47. I2C Communication Between Two Arduino Boards
  48. RC522 RFID Reader Module with Arduino
  49. MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor with Arduino
  50. MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor with Arduino
  51. Control Stepper Motor with A4988 Driver Module and Arduino
  52. Send Sensor Readings to Android Phone using Arduino and NRF24L01 via BLE
  53. I2C LCD interfacing with Arduino Display Scrolling Text and Custom Characters
  54. Control 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motor with ULN2003 Motor Driver and Arduino
  55. RS485 Serial Communication between two Arduino boards
  56. Interface nRF24L01+ Wireless Module with Arduino
  57. DRV8825 Driver Module for Stepper Motor with Arduino
  58. TM1637 4 Digit 7 Segment Display Module with Arduino
  59. Stepper Motor Control with L298N Motor Driver and Arduino
  60. Arduino L293D Motor Driver Shield Control DC, Servo, and Stepper Motors
  61. Stepper Motor Control with L293D Motor Driver IC and Arduino
  62. DC Motor Speed and Direction Control with L293D Driver IC and Arduino
  63. Interface Touch Sensor Module with Arduino
  64. Interface 2-Axis Joystick Module with Arduino
  65. KY-038 Microphone Sound Sensor Module with Arduino
  66. MAX6675 K-Type Thermocouple with Arduino
  67. Interface L298N DC Motor Driver Module with Arduino
  68. RDM6300 RDM630 RFID Reader interfacing with Arduino
  69. TCS230/TCS3200 Color Sensor with Arduino
  70. Rotary Encoder Module with Arduino
  71. HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Interfacing with Arduino – Distance Measurement Example
  72. DHT11 DHT22 with Arduino – Display Readings on OLED
  73. Arduino Timer Interrupts – Explained with Timer1 and Timer2 Examples
  74. OLED Display Interfacing with Arduino – Display Text, Draw shapes and Images
  75. BME280 Data Logger with Arduino and Micro SD Card
  76. DHT22 Data Logger with Arduino and Micro SD Card
  77. GPS Data Logger with Arduino and Micro SD Card – GPS Tracker
  78. Nokia 5110 LCD with Arduino – Display Images and Texts
  79. Interface TMP36 Temperature Sensor with Arduino
  80. Interface NEO-6M GPS Module with Arduino
  81. Interface Force Sensor (FSR) with Arduino – Measure Force
  82. Interface Flex sensor with Arduino – Measure Bent or Deflection
  83. Interface MQ3 Alcohol Sensor Module with Arduino
  84. MAX7219 LED Dot Matrix Display Interfacing with Arduino
  85. Monitor Heart Rate using Pulse Sensor and Arduino
  86. Micro SD Card Interfacing with Arduino using MicroSD Module
  87. Interfacing Multiple DS18B20 with Arduino: Display Readings on OLED
  88. BME280 with Arduino: Display Readings on OLED ( Arduino IDE)
  89. BME680 with Arduino: Display Gas, Pressure, Temperature and Humidity on OLED
  90. MPU6050 with Arduino – Display values on SSD1306 OLED
  91. Water Flow Sensor Interfacing with Arduino – Measure Flow Rate
  92. Voltage Sensor Module Interfacing with Arduino – DC Voltage Measurement
  93. SW-420 Vibration Sensor Module Interfacing with Arduino
  94. LSM303 Triple-Axis Accelerometer/Magnetometer Module with Arduino
  95. MPU9250 9-DOF MEMS Sensor Module Interfacing with Arduino
  96. Interface MG995 Servo Motor with Arduino – Example Code
  97. Interface MQ4 Methane Gas Sensor with Arduino
  98. Interfacing LM75 Temperature Sensor Module with Arduino
  99. Interface MLX90614 Non-Contact IR Temperature Sensor with Arduino
  100. 24LC1026 Serial EEPROM Interfacing with Arduino
  101. Interface AT24C02 Two-Wire Serial EEPROM with Arduino
  102. Interface MLX90393 Digital Hall Sensor Module with Arduino
  103. Interface MT8870 DTMF Decoder Module with Arduino
  104. Interface LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino
  105. INA219 Current Sensor Module with Arduino – Print values on OLED
  106. Interface GT511C3 Fingerprint Scanner Module with Arduino
  107. Interface AD9850 DDS Signal Generator Module with Arduino – Generate Waveforms
  108. Interface DS3231 RTC Module with Arduino – Set/Read Date and Time
  109. AD8232 ECG Module with Arduino – Heart Rate Monitor
  110. RCWL0516 Microwave Distance Sensor Module with Arduino
  111. TTP224 Four-Channel Touch Detector Module with Arduino
  112. WS2812B Addressable RGB LED Interfacing with Arduino
  113. 5V Dual Channel Relay Module Interfacing with Arduino
  114. Arduino PWM Tutorial: Generate Fix and Variable Frequency and Duty Cycle Signal
  115. SPI Communication Between Two Arduino Boards
  116. Serial/UART Communication Between Two Arduino Boards
  117. Seven Segment Display Interfacing with Arduino
  118. APDS9960 Proximity, Gesture and Ambient Light Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
  119. BH1750 Ambient Light Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
  120. VL53L0X LIDAR Distance Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
  121. HMC5883L 3-Axis Compass Module Interfacing with Arduino
  122. MQ137 Ammonia Gas Sensor Interfacing with Arduino
  123. 74HC595 Shift Register Interfacing with Arduino
  124. Nokia5110 LCD Module
  125. PN532 NFC RFID Module
  126. HM-10 Bluetooth Module – Interfacing Example with Arduino
  127. PID controller implementation using Arduino
  128. How to use Arduino interrupts explained with examples
  129. Expand Output Ports of Arduino by Using IC74HC595N
  130. How to use AnalogRead in Arduino with example
  131. Soft starter for 3 phase induction motor using Arduino
  132. adjustable firing angle control of thyristor using arduino
  133. Simple One Way Traffic Light using arduino
  134. power factor meter using Arduino : How to measure power factor
  135. ac current measurement using acs712 hall effect current sensor and Arduino
  136. Acs712 current sensor interfacing with Arduino for ac and dc current measurement
  137. AC Voltage Measurement using Arduino – Difference Amplifier Technique

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